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Monday, December 1, 2014

Identifying Your Competitors Strengths

The usual way to go about analyzing Competitor strength is to go ahead and build a SWOT analysis starting with the strengths and moving into the weaknesses.The key point here is that you need to reduce whatever anxiety the client has with your firm. Go through each objection they may have and show how you are a safer bet and are more likely to deliver the goods, ahead of schedule.

Usually the client gets a good feeling once he knows that the seller understands his problem
So if you help the client see where they could go wrong with other applicants, then that helps us reduce the number of applicants. Write to reduce the assessor’s anxiety. Once you tailor your material in this way, your success rate will increase dramatically.

If you want some perspective on how you or your company needs to enhance their Sales/Client Management Capabilities, please email me at shubhanjan.saha@gmail.com